Michael Johnson wrote: [snip]
Not really true. There's plenty of literature available for the registry... and one CAN tinker with it by hand. I know cause I've done it.
Yes, but this is such a fragile file. One slip and say good bye OS. Linux is not so fragile. Worst case - boot off a floppy and undo whatever you did. I totally botched fstab and lilo.conf in one fell swoop. Rebuilt both from scratch and was back in business.
I don't know if YaST and the registry are compare-able though. Two different types of tools. The registry isn't meant to be a user interface. I think Wolfgang made a good point about YaST though, maybe shielding the user a bit too much. <grin>. Though much of it you _can_ figure out on your own.
Where was _I_ going with this? Nowhere, I just had to respond to any mail calling that Win95 desktop OS 'glamourous'. <grin>
This is a relative statement, not an absolute. The Win95 interface, even though standard in almost all respects, is rigid and inflexable in comparison to X. Costume jewelry is glamorous to a destitute person, but cheeky to one who wears the real McCoy. George - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e