phil wrote:
IBM And Intel Help Rescue SuSE From Insolvency Posted by timothy on Thursday August 30, @04:04PM
from the bread-gets-buttered dept. mutantcamel writes: "A report on NetworkFusion states that SuSE has avoided insolvency thanks to a fresh round of investment that raised $45.5 million for the ailing company. IBM and Intel are among the players that have announced their support for the company. The rescue package comes after quite a turbulent time at SuSE HQ, but the company seems optimistic about the future."
Its good news, extremely good news for a number of counts: It shows that SuSE's work is paying dividends to the large companies who see its value. In this market its hard if not nearly impossible to get any sort of funding, and to get funding you need to show you are worth. I came from a company that will not get funding as they do not have a product that is worthwhile.You can spout off a hundred different business models but they all mean jack if you have nothing to actually sell thats a worthwhile product. SuSE do have something to sell, thats useability and reliability. Don't forget that Linus himself said that useability is the number one priority. You don't get useability out of Kernel, its the apps that do that and I believe that SuSE is the one closest to that. Redhat is all over the place in this department. Turbolinux is probably in a worse set of circumstances right now, what exactly do they offer? Matt