Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: openSUSE OBS mystery. Message-ID : <878rj8npw1.wl-nomiya@galaxy.dti.ne.jp> Date & Time: Fri, 16 Dec 2022 09:39:10 +0900 [MN] == Masaru Nomiya <nomiya@galaxy.dti.ne.jp> has written: [...] MN> So, I changed this to mirrorcache-us.opensuse.org and the problem was MN> solved (but not, I feel, completely). MN> Reading the emails of the people who replied to your email, it seems MN> that this kind of problem is limited to a few regions. MN> BTW, I keep wondering where to report it. MN> Does anyone know where I should report it? I confirmed now, it had been repaired. Thanks to someone who has concerned. Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 Masaru Nomiya mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "A society bound by e-mail and mobile phones deprives us of the freedom to face ourselves and indulge our fantasies." -- Michael Crichton (Speech in Japan) --