Hi all, i've been trying to apply the latest ACPI patch (acpi-20020611-2.4.18.diff.gz) from <URL:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=36832&release_id=94256> without success. I downloaded the patch, cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.18.SuSE and patch -p1 < acpi.... Patch applies OK to the /usr/src/linux source tree, but I cannot produce a workable system as this does not recompile (fails at make modules). Patch fails to apply to the /usr/src/linux-2.4.18.SuSE tree, although before applying the patch I can built a workable (i.e. bootable) kernel with this tree. I am a newbie at kernel recompilations so I really can't figure things out by myself:-(. Does anyone know if I can apply (succesfully) the ACPI patch to the SuSE source? Are there things I overlooked? Thank you for your time. -Stathis.