Hello, I'm using open-gpu as recommended by nvidia. In the Message; Subject : Nvidia: turing+ new open driver rpms versus? Message-ID : <202409190915.57206.michael@actrix.gen.nz> Date & Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 09:15:57 +1200 [MH] == Michael Hamilton <michael@actrix.gen.nz> has written: MH> I have a Turing card, so it's possible for me to switch from the MH> "easy-way" to the new open driver. I don't understand why openSUSE is limited to Turing. NVIDIA does not have such a limitation. [...] MH> Is the new open driver in rpm-form in essence another "easy-way" MH> option? Specifically, will automatically rebuild for kernel changes without MH> a driver reinstall being necessary? I imagine that the design is to update the nvidia kernel module in the dependency when updating the kernel. MH> The open driver rpms come from an opensuse repository, so does MH> that mean that the newer 560 drivers might eventually be made an MH> option - stepping around their unavailability via the old "easy-way"? The biggest factor is that NVIDIA is recommending the transition to open-gpu, and I think it will be up to NVIDIA to decide what form of provision will be used. MH> If the new open driver rpms are installed, what is the OpenSUSE MH> suggested way of obtaining the associated utilities, such as MH> nvidia-settings? At the moment, open-gpu only includes kernel-modules. In other words, you just need to change the kmp file to open-gpu, and install the other files as you have done in the past. MH> Do I specifically have to choose it, or will yast/zypper prefer MH> the new open driver rpms for cards that support it? I don't use zypper, so I'll leave it to someone else. MH> I think I read there might be some limitations with the new open MH> driver - possibly it's better for wayland? I've never felt like I was at my limit. I'm more worried about the changes in the kernel's support for the nvidia driver. MH> Are there other questions I should be asking, but have MH> overlooked? Sorry, I've got no idea. MH> As a side note, I think the "hard-way" installer may choose the MH> new open drivers if the card supports it - is that correct? I think that the hard way is easier to understand and prevents mistakes. Sometimes, there are people who install different drivers using the soft way. Best Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 Masaru Nomiya mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "To hire for skills, firms will need to implement robust and intentional changes in their hiring practices ― and change is hard." -- Employers don’t practice what they preach on skills-based hiring --