On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 19:04, Rowan Reid wrote:
every revision that comes out. Windows 95 was windows 95 for almost 4 plus years with no updates, few patchs maybe. For some reason with linux with every new version of gnome or KDE we run to upgrade then run around crying when our old programs dont work and all the links to file libraries have been changed. If you choose not to upgrade all the new
Actually, there were 4 versions of windows '95 two were 16bit based and two where 32bit based. Which is why may programs won't run on the first two versions of windows '95. Just as XP has a 32bit, and will have a 64bit...multiple versions of that, also (3 versions of '98, too, BTW). It's just that I think Linux people are more excited for the improvements (hey, many of us are computer geeks ;^) and rush to try it before the bugs are worked out...or to help make it better. Plus Linux distros advertise their updates and don't try to lie to you by saying SuSE 8.1 on the box but putting 8.1, 8.1a, 8.1b, or 8.1c inside the box (unlike windows '95 ;^) of which some have gcc 2.95 and others 3.2 ...it's thankfully not like that, they mearly tell it how it is, which I like. sorry, just had to add my 2c.