Michael Johnson wrote: [snip]
Fred, I don't think Linux will be the 'os of the masses' anytime soon, if ever. Not everyone can use a Unix and that's what Linux is. It may become more user friendly with enough gui toys for newbies till it looks like a damn nintendo, but underneath all that you still HAVE TO HAVE A CLUE, and there are too many people that DON'T when it comes to computers. Linux, unlike Windows and the Macintoy, will never have 'full clueless support' which is what you need to feed the 'masses'. This is the REAL reason why it's so 'hard to use'. It's simply because you HAVE TO HAVE A CLUE. That's the reason.
Flame away.
No need to Mike. Your view and mine aren't the same, and more than likely won't ever be. Regardsless of what happens with Linux, I'll continue to use it. By the way, I'll post something from Linux soon....you probably won't agree with him either, but it's GOOD "food for thought." Fred -- - Windows 98 supports real multitasking - it can boot and crash simultaneously - Fred A. Miller, Systems Administrator Cornell Univ. Press Services fmiller@lightlink.com fm@cupserv.org - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e