Hi, On Wednesday 12 January 2005 08:46, James Mohr wrote:
On Wednesday 12 January 2005 09:23, Hartmut Meyer wrote:
Correction: we have two seperate support departments: one dealing with business support and another one dealing with consumer support.
Questions regarding the consumer product (SUSE Linux Professional) which are covered by the scope of the "free" service
and where the customer has a valid support claim should be answered in a professional manner (and typically are) by our consumer support team. This is not saying that we would be able to solve all issues.
Servus Harmut!
The expression "professional manner" is an extremely vague and stretchable concept. Is a polite person who does not have a clue about the product still "professional"? Is someone who is not as polite as they could be, but knows the product in and out "professional"?
Support has always been polite. In that regard, they have been professional. They have addressed technical issues regarding the information they have been provided. In that regard, they have been professional. It seem obvious to me that they are not reading the case history. In *my* opinion that is *not* professional.
Agreed. But see my other (personal, of-list) e-mail.
Don't get me wrong. I am a strong supporter of Suse. I even advertise Suse on my site for free. However, it is extremely frustrating because 1) I am no closer to getting my problem solved 2) I know Suse can do better.
Yours quite obviously is a tricky case. You may want to try (for reference) and see if this list can resolve this issue any quicker than our free installation support. Greetings from Bremen hartmut