5 Aug
5 Aug
Hi Its a new install of 10.1 Mobo ia an ASUS P4RD1-MX with an integrated graphics card Radeon XPRESS 200 5A41 PCIE The initial driver was set by SAX2 as radeon which sets the wrong Vertical refresh rate, the monitor is a Medion MD7475AB, which on another OS works at 1024x 768 75 Hz. I've tried both the xorg driver supplied with the Mobo and downloaded the ATI xorg driver, niether have made any difference. xorg.conf has now gotten a bit corupt with manual editing , trying both radeon and fglrx drivers. s So now a fresh install incase YAST will allow the X config to be tried. can anyone recommend how to set up the video driver on this mobo Any help appreciated, TIA Russ