Thanks Ben. Now I have two questions... 1. Now, after I upgrade to k_deflt 2.4.20-100 is there something special I need to do? Like run SuSEconfig or something else, or is synaptic going to take care of this for me? 2. OK.. I am removing suse-people from my sources.list. I didn't know it was experimental. Now my list looks like this... rpm SuSE/8.2-i386 base update-prpm update kde xfree86 mozilla extra usr-local-bin funktronics packman packman-i686 kde3-stable security-prpm security rpm-src SuSE/8.2-i386 base update-prpm update kde xfree86 mozilla extra usr-local-bin funktronics packman packman-i686 kde3-stable security-prpm security Is there anything else that is experimental that I should remove? -Thinker On Sat, 2003-09-13 at 00:23, Ben Rosenberg wrote:
* Thinker ( [030912 19:15]:
Synaptic is showing me an update for aaa_base (from 2003.3.18-2 to 2003.8.16-0). When I tell it to update I get the message that this will require the removal of k_deflt. When I look at the description for k_deflt it says (Installed verson 2.4.20-62 Available version 2.4.20-100 Description... the standard kernel.
Seems pretty scary to me. I suppose the question is.. is this something I should mess with? Should I upgrade k_deflt before attempting to upgrade aaa_base? Is there a special procedure for this?
Get 2.4.20-100 because that's a security update. But before that..take suse-people out of your sources.list because that's where your getting prompted for aaa_base which is an upgrade you absolutely do not need. I've found that it's nice to look around and see what's in the suse-people directory but having it in the apt sources.list is a big PITA.
-- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- ----- If two men agree on everything, you can be sure that only one of them is doing the thinking.