Hello, In the Message; Subject : Re: startkde: Could not start kdeinit5. Check your installation. Message-ID : <503276af-5b87-6bcd-68e0-76b93abf047c@marcchamberlin.com> Date & Time: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 22:15:58 -0700 [MC] == Marc Chamberlin <marc@marcchamberlin.com> has written: [...] MC> > In the Message; MC> > MC> > Subject : Re: startkde: Could not start kdeinit5. Check your installation. MC> > Message-ID : <fed89f5f-4228-5df3-fd1c-7fb4993cf7dc@suddenlinkmail.com> MC> > Date & Time: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:27:52 -0500 MC> > MC> > [DCR] == "David C. Rankin" <drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com> has written: MC> > MC> > MN> On 10/25/22 18:10, Masaru Nomiya wrote: MC> > MN> > Ah, I see. MC> > MN> > MC> > MN> > Please write this in your .bashrc; MC> > MN> > MC> > MN> > export DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:-:0}" MC> > MN> > MC> > MN> > Then, you can log in KDE5. MC> > MC> > DCR> Shouldn't this already be done in the xdg, or X11 setup MC> > DCR> somewhere? Seems like in the past it was, or maybe in sysconfig MC> > DCR> or profile.d? I know I don't have to set it on 15.4 and it has MC> > DCR> been configured correctly since install without having to set a MC> > DCR> user export of it. MC> > MC> > DCR> That will get you going Marc, but the big question -- Why is it MC> > DCR> needed? MC> Unfortunately it didn't get me going David! Sigh.... MC> > export DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:-:0}" MC> > MC> > is a well known workarond. MC> > MC> > That is, DISPLAY almost always have to be set when working across MC> > unix/linux-machines with X-applications. MC> > MC> > Therefore, DISPLAY is also referred to as the magic word. MC> > MC> > Could show the result of; MC> > MC> > # xdpyinfo | grep -A 3 display MC> Using SSH to connect into this system, and su to root this is what your MC> incantation gave me - MC> > nova:/home/marc # xdpyinfo | grep -A 3 display MC> > Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyNo protocol specified MC> > xdpyinfo: unable to open display ":0". [...] This means; # env | grep DISPLAY # In my case; 1. as an user $ env | grep DISPLAY $ DISPLAY=:0.0 2. as root # env | grep DISPLAY # DISPLAY=:0.0 I have a .bash_profile (previously, .bashrc) with export DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:-:0}" and just set it to ... Can I get the same result as this? $ env | grep DISPLAY $ DISPLAY=:0.0 where 0.0 is an environment-dependent number. Regards. --- ┏━━┓彡 野宮 賢 mail-to: nomiya @ galaxy.dti.ne.jp ┃\/彡 ┗━━┛ "Bill! You married with Computer. Not with Me!" "No..., with money."