have you tried it with OOo 1.5.0 or 2.0?
I just downloaded and unpacked this. There is a /downloads folder with several folders underneath. Thinking I just drop this in the OOo directory tree, I did an rpm -il to find all the directories. They don't match. Any idea how I install these?
The answer is here: http://ooextras.sourceforge.net/ifaq.php
Thank you. I will try this out. Heh, "infrequently asked questions," I like it. 1. First, you can just open them in OpenOffice. 2. Second, you can install the template files in template directory. Just where this directory is depends on your operating system and installation. To find out what directory your template should go in, open an OOo application and click Tools/Options from the menu bar. Open the "OpenOffice.org" node in the options tree and click Paths. Find the "Templates" entry. -- kai ponte www.perfectreign.com linux - genuine windows replacement part