Joe Zappa wrote:
Linda Walsh wrote:
Joe Zappa wrote:
Linda Walsh wrote:
Used to be rm -fr dir/. was the safest way to clean out a directory, *w/o* deleting the directory. I used it all the time to delete tmp dir contents (not usually '/tmp', but others). Now, there is no easy way. You need to use some incarnation of 'find', with
find / -delete find /tmp/. delete
replacing the previous rm based "solutions".
Neat thing about find / -delete, is that it *seems* (not going to test it here!) to have no protections -- unlike "rm -fr /" where you had to specify some arg to override the default.
This is why I like Linda... she's a true hacker (by the pre-1985 definition)
?? What happened in 1985? War Games?
That's about the time the (ignorant as usual) press started making the wrongful equivocation between hacking and criminal conduct.
You shoulda seen rumors fly when my employer found out I coded up a remote shell & file server in my office to download all of Intel's SW to my home PC -- all paid for, of course, since Intel only charged disk duplication fees for employees to obtain a copy on 8" floppies, which were generally worthless on 1st generation 8088-based PC's, but as I worked on the compiler back end -- writing an adapter / shell to make their PL/M compiler and linker work on that PC was fairly trivial (circa 82-83).
Wow. It's amazing that anybody in the industry would be amazed at a programmer writing such trivial stuff.
There was nothing on the PC at the time to support SW development. The stuff I coded up on the PC end that did the file download modem handling was written using the ROM BASIC BIOS code until I could bootstrap the utils to allow running the devel code native. Writing things like that on computers at school was less of a problem, but at the time, at Intel, the only shell ran on ISIS on the 8080/8085 -- all 8086 work used a daughterboard in an 8085-based "workstation", so that I had the x86 devel tools running natively on the PC was initially, surprising (old hat not long afterward, but the PC's were so new, that Intel helped out with an employee purchase program)...
I had to write such sorts of software as weekly assignments for 1-credit-hour lab classes which used 8080- or 6809-based machines.
--- The microcomputer lab at my school went from using 80k floppies to 1M in just a few years around then.. things were moving pretty fast.
I had one project for senior-level design project, instead of using the 6809 machines, decided to use a 68HC11... so, the first order of business was to write up a 6811 assembler... which took me all of a couple hours. [By that time, I had already had to write an assembler in both a CS class and a EE class... so by that time, it was old hat]
--- Yeah.. they had the 300/400-level students writing 'COMPASS' assembly and debugger environments for use by the 200 level students about 2-3 years after we new CDC (Control Data) mainframes (Uof.Illinois). -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: