This is slightly off topic, but does impact Linux, I think. In trying to dig up info on Microstation for Linux I've been told that neither of the above are fully supported in any OS other than Wintel: "only available under the Wintel OS's due the full implementation of the Parasolid and Java kernals (both would not fully be supported in other OS's)." I regret that I can not fully grasp what this means. If it is true would it be adviseable to pass this seeming Linux deficit on to the Linux developers, or maybe not. I might suppose it to be inadviseable. Any thoughts particularly from those who really know Linux. Regards, Bob "This millenium can't end yet, we're missing 22 minutes; 18 from Nixon, 4 from Gates" -- Unknown - To get out of this list, please send email to with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e Check out the SuSE-FAQ at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>> and the archiv at <A HREF=""><A HREF="</A"></A</A>>