Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:41:40 +0900 Masaru Nomiya <> :
In the Message;
Subject : Re: Leap/TW music-studio NOT Message-ID : <> Date & Time: Sat, 26 Aug 2023 20:45:55 -0400
bent fender <> has written:
Sat, 26 Aug 2023 21:29:26 +0900 Masaru Nomiya <> :
I don't get those problems with the same kernel; vbox runs w7 if I want it and RG starts but is ubusable with ZASF, s=didn't use any special kernel params though.
I can't understand your cryptic RES at all, but in essence you are saying that you can't hear any sound coming from rosegarden.
Sorry, I should be more detailed and specific and watch my spelling; after all THAT's what I keep asking from others :-)) I was just responding to the other poster's issues with what he suspected were caused by the kernel as used with the cited arguments ie. that I don't have those problems and don't use those kernel arguments. I added that rosegarden starts OK for me but that in the subject OS it is unusable (I see your concern as opposed to uBusable/aBusable) because it doesn't present ZASF-dssi instruments without which it is useless to me when I want to compose with ZynAdSubFZ plugins. Thanks for the explanation, there are times when it is but these days 'no sound from rosegarden' isn't my peeve.