Hey, There are several programs that I'd like to make SuSE RPMs for (not part of the SuSE distro). I'm sorta new at making RPMs, so I'm wondering a few things... Right now, I'm making an RPM by taking a tarball and doing: rpm -tb tarballname.tar.gz This makes a "noarch" RPM that works fine on my system. (Note: Using 7.3 Pro on an i686 system) But will that RPM work on another person's SuSE system? I'm referring only to general programs, not anything that's "vital" to the linux system like the kernel or gcc... Should I be specifying a target installation place so that it matches where SuSE installs programs? Should I be specifying i686 when building the tarball? Or will the "noarch" work on an i386 (for example). Can I specify i386 when building the RPM to make an i386 RPM, or will that not work since I'm using an i686 system? Will there be any issues with an 8.0 user trying to use these RPMs? Again, it's just for some general programs, not vital stuff (ICQ programs, games, things like that). Yes, I'm obviously not to familiar with these things. But I've got a 100Mb space on my web host, and I've determined I'll only need about 20Mb of it at the most. Which leaves plenty of space to distribute some RPMs for SuSE users. Later, Joe "Flame" Sullivan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firechild Web Design and CGI Scripting Services http://firechild.net Secretary, World Association of Internet Marketing http://waim.org Webmaster, Amerikanska - For Americans In Sweden http://amerikanska.com Meta-editor, Open Directory Project http://dmoz.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------