3 Dec
3 Dec
Tony Alfrey <tonyalfrey@earthlink.net> [2 Dec 2003 17:08:23 -0800]:
a) why do I need the "hardware scan"? I have other distros that clearly do not do this.
Many users want the automatic detection of new hardware like they're used to under Win*.
b) which script does this?
/etc/init.d/hwscan. If you want to disable the scan at boot-up, just issue an 'insserv -r hwscan'.
c) where in /etc might I find a script that lists the overall order of boot scripts particular to SuSE?
I know of none. Philipp -- Philipp Thomas work: pthomas AT suse DOT de SUSE LINUX AG private: philipp DOT thomas AT t-link DOT de