On Tuesday 17 June 2003 20:59, Rob Tow wrote:
Klaptop did not work when I installed 8.2 on a Toshiba Satellite 1135-S155.
I modified grub to boot with apm on, acpi off, and added modprobe ac && modprobe battery to boot.local.
Now Klaptop shows the battery icon, properly, for power cord plugged in and not plugged in.
BUT it always shows 0:00 minutes left!!!!!!!
Anyone got a clue?
On most modern laptops acpi is NOT OPTIONAL, and you should disable apm in favor of acpi. The SuSE kernel in 8.2 will do this automatically if your bios date is later than January 2001 (I think that is the date, maybe it was 2000). The important bit is it generally does it correctly all by itself. Klaptop started working correctly on my 8.2 laptop ONLY after I upgraded to kde 3.1.2, but the bug was always with klaptop and not with the absence of APM. You can use akpi (google for it) instead of Klaptop OR you can upgrade your klaptop. But the solution of killing off acpi in favor of apm is seldom correct on any laptop made in the last two years. They are virtually all acpi machines these days. Personally, I recommend this approach which was posted by Mike Sacco a week of 7 ago to update all of kde as it solves a bunch of problems... ----begin paste--- Open up YaST and go to Change Source of Installation. Add an ftp one, such as this: ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_8.2/yast-source Use the 'up' button to make sure this is at the top of the list. Then, back at the main window of YaST, choose system update, and and select only update installed packages. There is a details button that shows what is going to be updated, so you can check it out yourself. Since I'm already running 8.2, this didn't update anything except all the kde and related rpms to 3.1.2. ---end HTH, -- _____________________________________ John Andersen