Hello folks, this is about TAR and how it copes with the GERMAN letters for ae oe ue. I have a backup-tgz of my windoze 98 partition and now want to copy it back into a fresh installed system. The problem is: tar comes me with "tar: filename: invalid argument cannot open filename" whereever "filename" contains such a char such as \201 and stuff. I have found out that I for example cannot extract my STARTMENUE folder out of this tar, because the "UE" is a GERMAN char abbreviated or lets call it changed by tar to Startmen\201/ so that it cannot open a directory called like that This is truely annoying. Where is a workaround this? Vishal Khanna schrieb:
it is better not_to_use german file names.. I had this problem also, but I am told with a german installation or lang pack it should work plus setting your locales etc. correctly
Not to use german letters is no solution as Windoze does and I backup our bureau network using tar. Windoze uses for example the name "Startmenu" - where the letter "u" is a german "ue" and you can do nothing against it! So what precisely do you mean with lang pack?! Under Linux? How do I tell tar to leave the filenames UNtouched as they are?! Still not solved this. -- *º¤.,___,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤ =Oliver@home= *º¤.,¸¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤ I / __|__ http://www.bmw-roadster.de/Friends/Olli/olli.html I I / / |_/ http://www.bmw-roadster.de/Friends/friends.html I I \ \__|_\ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VGAP-93 I I \___| mailto:VGAP-93-subscribe@yahoogroups.com I
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