On Wednesday 09 May 2001 19:57, you wrote:
I tried that already. The System.map is created as /boot/System.map. Should I delete this when I compile another kernel. Typically, what I do is I delete the old kernel modules. Then I run make menuconfig. After that I run make dep clean bzImage. Finally I run make modules modules_install bzlilo. Then I reboot. Did I miss something?
Perhaps.. When I do a compile I do make dep clean bzlilo modules modules_install. Having it do the bzImage, and then later bzlilo seems to be defeating the purpose, and might be causing something to be removed. It's just a thought. I recently did a compile of the 2.4.4 sources using the above line and everything works. Mike -- Powered by SuSE 7.1, Kernel 2.4.4 KDE2.1.1 For a great linux portal try http://www.freezer-burn.org