On Saturday 03 August 2002 12:39, Oeystein Olsen wrote:
I've just bought SuSE Linux 8.0 Professional.(After almost 2 years on redhat.) Althought it seems like I will get reasonable suggestions on how to partition during boot, and although there are some hints in the documentation that came with the cds/DVD, I thought I'd ask for advice first. My harddrive has 13GB left when redhat is gone. Now I know that quite a lot software will be installed in /opt. Should I set up and how large should an /opt partion be? What about /usr and /usr/local? I would appreciate some suggestions before I start. (On RedHat I spent to much time finding a sensible partitioning scheme on my harddrive.)
Most everything goes into /usr. If you are building a desktop you may end up loading a lot more so if you have 3G it should be at least 1 G for future. /usr/local will depend on your usage, 500M could be plenty. /opt is that optional place of keeping things, I'd say with 13G I'd spend no more than 1G on that. /var would do fine with 500M. /home depends on what you do and where you keep things you download. Now, nothing stops you from simply having a / partition for all. You typically break down a server but if this is a home box you could have a 30M for /boot, 1G swap and the rest /. -- Steve _____________________________________________________________ HTML in e-mail is not safe. It let's spammers know to spam you, and sets you up for online attack through IE 4.5 and above. Using HTML in e-mail promotes it as safe to the uninitiated.