On Saturday 26 August 2006 15:24, Mike wrote:
On Saturday 26 August 2006 22:08, Robert Morrison wrote:
I'm in the market for an internal DL DVD Burner for SUSE 10.0. If anyone who has one that's running nicely on SUSE 10.0 would be willing to post make and model, I'd be grateful.
I've got a Philips dvdr1640p in this machine that works quite nicely. I've also got an LG in another machine that I have no trouble with. I think that for the most part dvd burners that include dual layer support work out of the box.
Thanks. Don't see that particular model for sale right now, but I'll take a flier with one of the Lite-Ons, since I have an external single-layer of that make that works fine.
Now if I could just find lightscribe software for linux, I pick up one of those burners..
That would beat my current "scotch tape and sharpie" method.