On 2024-11-12 14:48, James Knott wrote:
On 11/12/24 07:13, Carlos E. R. wrote:
Ok, there are millions of addresses in the LAN, but for example when you send an email that IP is known. A determined attacker wanting to attack me will find out where my printer is.
You don't send an email to an IP address. You send it to an account on a server. Also, with IPv6, a LAN has a gazillion addresses (2^64 or 18.4 billion, billion).
And the server writes your home IP into the received headers. At least some servers do. This is yours: Received: from ?IPV6:2607:fea8:4c82:5900:...? ([2607:fea8:4c82:5900:...]) by smtp.gmail.com with ESMTPSA id 8926c6da1cb9f-4de787d703bsm1997731173.108.2024. for <users@lists.opensuse.org> (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Tue, 12 Nov 2024 05:48:56 -0800 (PST) -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.5 x86_64 at Telcontar)