Anders Johansson wrote:
You can find the sources at
It has openssh-5.0
Ahh...5.0p1 is acceptable....hopefully there aren't too many differences between 4.x (4.6 am using now) and 5.0...but I guess I'll find out...:-) Thanks! Um...where would I, or should I have been able to find a pointer to the sources from the wiki? The name "SL-OSS-factory" looks like it would mean "SuSELinux-OpenSourceSoftware-factor" -- where my guess for 'factor' would have been the last version that was released to manufacturing (for shipment).... How do I get from 11.0 (development) Beta 2 or Beta 3 -> this source dir? Uh...or have I been asleep at the switch again...oh..uhoh... has suse 11.0 been released or what is shipping? Gulp...thanks much! Linda -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: