Once upon a time, in a land not far away, I created an Intranet site for my former company. This was back in the 2000s. It was a relatively simple static HTML site but certain page elements were pulled via Server Side Includes. I keep copies of that and other static HTML sites I created in local directories on my PC, not in a local server like /srv/www, there's no need, just in my home directory. I can still view all my other sites from there no problem in Firefox. I haven't looked at that Intranet site for a year or two, but now it doesn't work. Only the initial index.html page is plain HTML with no SSI, and fully viewable. All the other pages have an .shtml extension, so in the past I would have to forgo seeing certain non-loaded page elements in menus and title bars, and just navigate using the links in the main part of the view, which was good enough to still access all the main content. Now, clicking a link in Firefox from the index to any other page brings up a dialog box requesting which program I want to use to open the file. Firefox itself is the only suggestion and hence default option, so if I click OK it opens a new blank tab and throws up the dialog box again, and again, for eternity, without showing the page. The only two browsers I have installed on 15.4 are Firefox and Konqueror. I tried copying and pasting the URL into Konqueror, but when I hit Enter it just switches back to Firefox and presents the same dialog box. Indeed, I note that now Konqueror will only show pages on the web and doesn't want to show any local page, always directing me back to Firefox. This wasn't the case in the past. I've looked in Konqueror's settings and tried using the different view modes, e.g. KHTML, WebKit, but can't find a workaround there. I assume there's some security-based rationale for not showing these pages but I don't know at what level and whether I can override it. I've checked in Dolphin that shtml files are associated by default to open with Firefox. Anybody know a config option or other way to view such pages, or a browser which definitely still displays them? gumb