Fred A. Miller wrote:
On Thursday 22 February 2007 4:09:02 am John Andersen wrote:
On Wednesday 21 February 2007, Clayton wrote:
At least with Synaptic, the new users caught on within a couple minutes.
Like i've said in other threads, the one thing that (k)(X)Ubuntu does right is make updates drop dead simple with either Synaptic or the kde front end equivelent. It just works, and it doesn't take all day. Its as fast as your bandwidth, and seemingly never errors out.
You'd think that it would be that way with SUSE. :(
I've flagged this as OT as it's just a whinging thread, really :-) Personally, I think this is a symptom of being an RPM-based distribution. For a long while RedHat charged extra for package management, it was thought to be an "enterprise feature" I guess. This meant less eyes looking at the code and less feedback, and thus less development. In contrast, Debian has had it freely available and developable at least since I started using it in '99. This is no longer the case with the advent of Fedora and so on, of course, but I think the RPM-based distros are still catching up with Debian's more mature system (and hence Ubuntu which is based on and symbiotic with Debian). I'm sure there are some things done better, but overall it's just not as good right now. I'm also sure that'll be fixed with time, and it's possible they'll surpass Debian at some point. All to the good. Done right, they can learn from Debian's inevitable mistakes. Neither are guaranteed, of course :-) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: