Hey all, As I have been working on getting the latest Nvidia drivers to work on my system, I have learned many new things about my system and setting things up! That is a good thing right? :-) One thing I am still puzzled about is the AGP slot on motherboards and getting them working. Thru ignorance, I thought the AGP slot was automatically activated when power hit the motherboard, but after some research, fine that it has to be activated with software, such as the agpgart module or Nvidia's agp module. Well, since I have an AGP slot and a video card inserted there, I also would like to get mine working! The questions asked of me during my research included: 1. Is AGPGART package installed? 2. Is AGP enabled in your XF86config file? (ex: NvAgp=2) 3. Is AGP enabled in your kernel and loaded? My system responses: 1. Wasn't, but is now 2. Yes/No It is in my XF86config file, but running NvAgp=2 or 3 causes a system lockup at the login screen. 3. Yes, in kernel, supposedly loaded, but does not show up when you issue the lsmod commmand in a console. If you do a ismod agpgart command, the agpgart.0 module shows up, but does not seem to activate the agp slot as "gears" doesn't show any increase in speed. (presently about 400 fps with my card) Plus if you do a 3Ddiag, shows no agp or the lsmod, shows agpgart.0 (unused). Hints, advice, suggestions? I am open to them all as I would like to obtain a resolution to this mystery. end of line Tracer -- ---KMail 1.3.1--- SuSE Linux v7.2--- Registered Linux User #225206 /tracerb@sprintmail.com/ *Magic Page Products* *Team Amiga* http://home.sprintmail.com/~tracerb