The Sunday 2005-01-30 at 20:47 -0800, John Bailo wrote:
1. What do you mean a "free console" ?
Sorry for my telegraphic explanation, I was about going to sleep, as right now :-) I meant a console that is not in use. During install, some of the consoles, or ttys, are in use by the install program and several logs outputs. But, at least one or two contain a usable bash prompt.
2. If, as you say, it's already mounted, it still does not let me proceed in the installation...it simply repeats the error message "cannot mount the specified partition".
Correct. What I suggested is precissely verifying if the reason of the error message is that is is already mounted. If that is the case, it is an old error that I have seen often and that I'm unsure how to solve. One method is using an ftp or nfs server... -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson