Franky Goethals wrote:
I run an IMAP mail servier on my desktop system.
Hi James,
First of all, thanks for your answer.
Then... how did you proceed ? I'm quite new to this stuff. I'm a Systemengineer Mainframe, and started linux 2 months ago, so...
With IMAP, the mail is stored on the server, rather than the users computer. I enabled the IMAP server on my desktop system (details depend on your choice of server). I then use fetchmail, to get my mail from my ISP. Then I set up all the various mail clients, on the various computers and operating systems, to use the IMAP server for incomning mail. Sent messages are also saved on the IMAP server, but each client is configured to use the ISPs SMTP server. This way, all mail clients are synchronized. I even have my notebook computer configured with a VPN to my home network, to connect to the IMAP server and also so that the SMTP server thinks my notebook is connected to their network, even though the computer is actually connected to another one.