On Wednesday 20 February 2008 04:34:08 pm Don Raboud wrote:
On Wednesday 20 February 2008 14:14, Adam Jimerson wrote:
On Wednesday 20 February 2008 03:43:33 pm Don Raboud wrote:
If it is a laptop I would guess that its 16/10, but there is an excellent, time tested way to check - use a ruler ;-)
Seriously, measure the horizontal and vertical dimensions of your screen in mm (these are the values that should appear in sax2 anyway) and their ratio is the aspect ratio of your screen. If this is a pretty standard laptop then once you select the right aspect ratio, when you pick the right screen size (say 15.4in) the horizontal and vertical dimensions should be pretty close to what you measure.
After you have done this and are up and running, try the following commands (without the quotes)
"xdpyinfo | grep dimensions" <--Pixels and physical dimensions "xdpyinfo | grep resolution" <-- dots per inch
For the dots per inch you want this to be close to square (say 96x96 or 100x100) for the fonts to come out right.
When all of these are set right, the difference in the clarity of the fonts can be HUGE. At least that has been my experience.
Hope this helps.
-- Don
Now I know where my problem is, my dots per inch isn't square
OK, that does need to be fixed.
vendion@SE-03:~> xdpyinfo |grep dimensions dimensions: 1024x768 pixels (333x208 millimeters) vendion@SE-03:~> xdpyinfo | grep resolution resolution: 78x94 dots per inch
I've tried all three Aspect Ratio's available, 16/10 is the closest to being clear but as "xdpyinfo | grep resolution" shows no cigar.
First things first, have you measured the physical dimensions of your screen? Is the above indicated 333x208 millimeters close? Assuming so...
333/208 = 1.6 (approximately) so *16/10* is the right value -- Good 1024/768 = 1.33 or *4/3* -- NOT GOOD
1024x768 is for screens that have an 4/3 aspect ratio. You need to pick one that works out to 16/10 (I have 1280x800 on my laptop). Do you have the specs for your laptop? That should indicate the "natural" resolution for your screen. Try that one.
-- Don
I only have three optional resolutions 1280x1024 (SXGA) which is what SaX2 is set to now 1024x768 (XGA) this is what xdpyinfo |grep dimensions says my screen is 800x600 (SVGA) Now according to the Catalyst Control Center the Max Resolution is 1280x800 but is not a option is SaX2. I don't have the specs on me but I can look them up if needed, and I wasn't able to find a ruler so I was unable to measure the size of my screen.