On 6/17/05, pelibali <pelibali@freemail.hu> wrote:
:) Thanks, still last night I came to the same point. My stuff looks now _horrible_, but at least I made pdf and can print out that soon. Just imagine, that for a 120+ thesis distributed in several files with single chapters, where even other short, but extra articles should be inserted, to keep the numbering correct is just like a nightmare.
this sounds like what you need is a feature like M$ words "master document" ... this makes it possible to have numbering that is consistent across seperate doc files.
From OOo help (vesion 1.9.74):
A master document lets you manage large documents, such as a book with many chapters, by acting as a container for individual OpenOffice.org Writer files. The individual files are called subdocuments. You can also separate a large document that is being worked on by several people into subdocuments and then add the subdocuments to a master document. When you add a document to a master document or create a new subdocument, a link is created in the master document. You cannot edit the content of a subdocument directly in the master document, but you can use the Navigator to open any subdocument for edit. Page, caption, footnote, endnote, and any other numbering that you have set in the subdocuments, is carried over into the master document. For example, if the last footnote in the first subdocument is footnote 6, then the first footnote in the next subdocument will be footnote 7. Styles that are used in subdocuments, such as paragraph styles, are automatically imported into the master document after you save the master document. When you modify the style in the master document, the style in the subdocument is unaffected. Use the same document template for the master document and its subdocuments. When you modify or create a style, add it to the document template, and then reload the master document to apply to the subdocuments.