Shriramana Sharma wrote:
Michael Honeyfield wrote:
the addition of a Provides: suse-release and a Obsoletes: suse-release will fix issues around a naming convention with packages.. its a non-event and a pointless arguement still...
Well okay, look at it this way:
I'm a newbie to Linux so don't know how the different packages are capitalized. Linux is sensitive to capitalization, so won't it give an error when I try to execute the package SuSEfirewall2-3.3-18.2 by typing susefirewall2-3.3-18.2?
At least if one standard convention were enforced, then one wouldn't have to worry about such things, and the broken scripts that houghi spoke of:
You shouldn't be needing to type that in from the commandline anyways. My point is that there is *no* base line of standard from SUSE or Novell on the naming convention. The only "standard" is people complaining about other typing it wrong, however, defining wrong seems hard to do. Its very clear to see *why* they type it SUSE, SuSE or suse. So, arguing over it saying it has to be SUSE or SuSE or suse is pointless until SUSE/Novell fix it. Mike