"No installation data found on medium" "Could not mount the source medium" Previously I was alawya able to use the orginal YaST to do hard drive installation, I was never able to get YaST2 past the above errors, if I exit YaST2 and start YaST everything works fine. It has always been this way for me and I didn't mind as I like using YaST. However, I am told that version 8.0 will no longer have YaST. Does anyone know if version 8.0 of SuSE pro will allow paying customers the right to copy the installation disks to their hard drive and do a complete installtion and further updates directly from the hard drive? If I have been skipping something, please let me know, it has been a while since I installed 7.3 my curent SuSe distro installation disks are on my /hda11/7.3 thanks in advacne joe