THOMAS ADAM schrieb:
Do you actually have the hard drive attached as master drive in your first IDE channel (hda)?
Is the device file /dev/hda correct?
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 3, 0 May 21 08:21 /dev/hda
Did you try "gpart" yet?
I wouldn't recommend using that my experience it causes more problems than it solves (thank you N-curses :-)
Have you tried the rescue system from the first suse CD? It should be enough to boot your computer and examine the hard drive. Post the contents of /proc/partitions, post the output of "dmesg".
dmesg &> $HOME/dmesg_output.txt && exec unix2dos $HOME/dmesg_output.txt
should do the trick, but I fail to see how this helps, since dmesg mearly reports output from the "kernel ring" buffer, and will not give specifics on HDD failures.
My advice would be to check "/var/log/messages"
--Thomas Adam
well all those advises are nothing since i told and wrote: i cannot access the whole partition. not read, not write not boot so i cannot test that. only thing i have been able to give you in the very first mail which I resend now is detailed error descriptions -- *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨¨*¤ =Oliver@home= *º¤., ¸¸,.¤º*¨¨*¤ I I I I I I I I
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