Hi, as is my routine for years, but today on a secondary computer (alternate location), I open a folder of documents in "mc", select the february.odt file, hit enter, and start editing. Damn! They have changed how to position photos, no anchor to page. Must be a new Libre Office Writer version. After wasting a quarter of an hour fighting how the thing thinks it should place the images, instead of simply obeying me, I decide to ask here. What version am I using... go to help, look about... it is Abiword! Why the heck is 'mc' opening a LO file with Abiword when LO is installed? I look in 'mc', do not find .odt in the extension file... so unininstall Abiword. Get out of my way. But now on open the document it Maximizes to the entire display, and refuses to unmaximize and resize. I can do so with Calc, but not with Writer. The word "resize" is greyed out even after "unmaximize". How the heck can I unmaximize the document? I can not work this way! Ok, go to XFCE settings, change the theme to some other one, and now it works again. But a while later, I open another document with Write, and again it is stuck on maximize, and theme change does not work this time. A new manner occurs to me. Click and hold on the tittle bar and drag down... and it is gone. I can not find the window. I right-click on the "thing" on the display panel, and manage to tell it to move to an empty workspace. Now I see the window: 2 mm wide, 30 mm high rectangle. WTF!? After fiddling with it for a minute or two, I manage to resize it to something sensible and move back to my workspace. Has my computer being possessed by some ghost? -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from Elesar, using openSUSE Leap 15.4)