Am 23.10.24 um 18:47 schrieb Andreas Joppich:
Hi, 0x0C is the control character for page break, better known as form feed.
Maybe there's a setting in your program to skip generating form feed, so you don't have to filter it?
Thanks for info, you are correct, the "pdftotext" from poppler tools has a: -nopgbrk option :-)) so this is another workaround. will try. but still the behavior from: textwith-0c -> xclip -> x-clipboard (works with 0c) to textwith-0c -> wlcopy -> wayland-clipboard (did not show contens when 0c is used) if the programm xclip removes simply the 0c or if the clipboard itselve has a problem of wayland i do not know, nor know how to figure out. i have filed a bug to wl-clipboard: and to opensuse: simoN --