On 07/23/2014 02:17 AM, Werner Flamme wrote:
I found it out, too, and made the same changes some time ago (January 30, says the mtime), but it never worked back then due to the missing indexes on the website it uses.
Thanks to this mail I found out it works again, the index has been created, thank you!
Yes, I checked my old mails from 11.3/11.4 time-frame and the indexes were not being built any longer. (see: "[opensuse] webpin CLI still on the fritz for 11.4?" 4/28/2011) At that time you would get: 17:09 alchemy:~> webpin opera ERROR: caught exception while connecting and sending request to server: connection timed out after 60 seconds Thank you to whoever triggered the update/rebuild of the indexes! Let's make sure we never let them go away again :-) Maybe somebody should pick-up webpin for 13.2 so it, and the indexes, are ready for the 13.2 release. If I can find time to get OBS going again, I'll do it, but who is in charge of triggering the index rebuild? -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org