Dne pátek 20. října 2017 11:12:59 CEST, Bengt Gördén napsal(a):
Den 2017-10-19 kl. 17:41, skrev ken:
Is there an app called pdftk for suse?
I know there are many apps to handle PDFs, but this one is unique in its capabilities... I haven't found another which can do all the same things.
If I here what people do with pdftk it's split/extract, merge, rotate, decrypt, encrypt. qpdf does all that. I usually collect/construct cheat sheet for things hard to remember. This is what I got for qpdf. For more look in the manual file:///usr/share/doc/packages/qpdf/qpdf-manual.html
split (outputs splitted-01.pdf, splitted-02.pdf etc.) qpdf --split-pages in.pdf splitted.pdf
extract pages 1, 5, and 10 to another pdf qpdf in.pdf --pages in.pdf 1,5,10 -- outfile.pdf
merge/concatenate qpdf file1.pdf file2.pdf -- outfile.pdf
merge pages 1-5 from file1.pdf and 11-15 (reverse) from file2.pdf qpdf file1.pdf --pages file1.pdf 1-5 file2.pdf 15-11 -- outfile.pdf
rotate pages 2,4,6 by 90 degrees and 7-8 by 180 degrees qpdf in.pdf out.pdf --rotate=+90:2,4,6 --rotate=180:7-8
encrypt (there is user- and owner-password for --encrypt) qpdf --encrypt 123 "" 256 -- unprotected.pdf protected.pdf
decrypt qpdf --decrypt --password=123 protected.pdf unprotected.pdf
Nice. Is there also a nice GUI as was pdftk-qgui? Command line is fine, but some people prefer to click... -- Vojtěch Zeisek https://trapa.cz/