On Wednesday 24 September 2003 02:22, you wrote:
On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 07:26, Bob S. wrote:
On Tuesday 23 September 2003 16:39, James PEARSON wrote:>
I am using qt3-3.1.1-62 and I have no problems
I had to downgrade my version of qt3 in order to solve just such a problem.
Hello James,
qt3-non-mt-3.2.0b1-6 qt3-3.2.0b1-6 yast2-qt-2.7.18-41 qt3-devel-3.2.0b1-6
I maintain that if you downgrade qt3-non-mt-3.2.0b1-6 qt3-3.2.0b1-6 qt3-devel-3.2.0b1-6 to the versions that you have on your SuSE cd roms that k3b will work.
James, I have absolutely no doubt that you are correct. I am kind of anal about downgrading after all of the time and trouble of upgrading. I solved the problem by upgrading again, to KDE 3.1.4 and qt3-3.2.1-35 k3b works just fine now. ( I was just hoping that somewhere along the way someone caught that problem and got lucky I guess) Thanks for you and all others who responded. Your interest.is appreciated. Bob S.