Don't underestimate the power of Microsoft now that the US has a new administration that believes the department of justice should take a hands off approach to enforcing anti trust laws. If you want to see how MS operates, read the findings of facts from the DOJ VS Microsoft trial. It can all happen again, and it can get pretty rough for any startup business trying to make it with linux and other open source based products.
Talking about "FUD", this one really takes the cake. First of all, if the antitrust case had been a really good case, I wouldn't doubt President Bush and Attorney General-Designate Ashcroft (who is the former senator from my state, btw) would continue the case. HOWEVER, it was a bad case built on losey evidence. I mean, Judge Jackson was obviously waaaay-biased, which creates a bad case to begin with. Secondly, the case was built on Windows 98 having Internet Explorer (and that it shouldn't) - an argument, that IMO was unreasonable. The Findings of Fact were way out there, saying Linux wasn't much of competitor, and piling on charges I think even some Penguinistas would agree are unfair. This doesn't mean that Microsoft isn't a monopoly, and they do engage in anti-competitive practices. However, the DOJ and Judge Jackson ruined this case, I can't see anyone (except those who just hate Microsoft, and don't have good reasons to do so) thinking this was a good case. And a breakup would only (1) make things worse for the click-and-drool crowd, and (2) create two Microsofts with the same practises. But, back to Linux, I don't see anything happening to it. There is simply no way Microsoft can force open source to die. Since the real backbone of open source is volunteers, no amount of billions of dollars can destroy it. And those shops that already use it, will be unlikely to switch back, as they have already trained their IT staff on how to use Linux. -Tim NOTE ON BIAS: I do not own any stock in Microsoft or Linux companies, and I use both operating systems, so I am not biased towards MS (actually, I'm more biased towards Linux, thank-you very much). Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Timothy R. Butler Universal Networks Information Tech. Consultant Christian Web Services Since 1996 ICQ #12495932 AIM: Uninettm An Authorized IPSwitch Reseller tbutler@uninetsolutions.com http://www.uninetsolutions.com ============== "Information Powered by Innovation" ==============