On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 9:09:34AM -0500, Carl E. Hartung wrote:
a quick google on "sym53c8xx" pulls up bug reports from over the past year and before on this exact problem -- earlier kernels working, later ones not.
I didn't dig deep enough to discern if or how this is solved, but the solution is probably out there by now -- you just have to dig deep enough.
Thanks, Carl. I'll proceed with that in mind; it hadn't occurred to me that the basics on the installation CD might be bad. A quick strategic question occurs, though: I'll need to get the corrected sym53c8xx module into the installation process, presumably by making a modules diskette in a format that linuxrc can recognize. The images on the CD seem to have a boot sector and a disk full of stuff that's not individual files. Will linuxrc take a module from a normal ext2 diskette? The happiest solution, of course, would be if SuSE has posted a corrected Modules5 image ready to copy, and I'll check that next. But on the chance they haven't (and I haven't seen mention of it on this list), am I SOL? I'd be surprised if my old gcc-2.95.3 will make the current kernel modules correctly, but maybe it will. How would I know? Could I count on compiler error messages to tell me? One of my primary motivations for installing 9.2 was to upgrade the compiler, and its libraries. It's frustrating to not even get the installer to talk to the hard disk. Might I simply have to give up on SuSE 9.2 and wait for (and hope for better luck with) 9.3? Thanks for all your help, Jim