Hello everyone, in the past I tried several times to find good games for Linux, which, although it gets better, is not taht easy. Especially if one is looking for Multiplayer games that work on Linux and Windows. I am not a big fan of Wine, as I could never get it to run reliably, which could be a user problem but anyway. By chance I discovered SuSE packages for a game similar to Command and Conquer, which runs on Linux, as well as Windows and can be played on the net. It's called netPanzer and aims more at the battle than the tactics. Packages can be found at: ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/9.3-i386/RPMS.suser-scorot One can get missing libs from the 9.2 folder. I guess that most people already know the ID Software games like Quake etc. Ther is one game, where one does not even have to copy any level-files from the original CD. The game is an online ego-shooter and one can get it at: ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pc/msdos/games/idgames/idgames/idstuff/et/linux If somebody knows more good games, please post them here, I'll put up an wiki-article to make it easier for people to find those games. Does anybody know by any chance of a game like Siedler (Settler?) or Anno 1503 for Linux? Sven