Per Jessen wrote:
Sandy Drobic wrote:
I usually reject about 90-95% of attempted spam deliveries with Postfix checks alone.
greylisting I presume?
Not yet, I am still testing greylisting on my server at home. It's the cumulative result of HELO-, client- and sender-checks, RBLs and a bit of tuning, a smaller percentage of spam is rejected due to message id checks. What kind of checks are usable depends on your situation, of course. As a company I can afford to apply stricter checks than a hosting ISP, for example. Now, with Postfix 2.3 and Milter, I'll probably use domain key checks in addition to greylisting soon. Since there seems to be a bit of general interest, maybe we can put together some guide lines and experiences about fighting spam with Postfix, so people can find it through the archives. Sandy -- List replies only please! Please address PMs to: news-reply2 (@) japantest (.) homelinux (.) com