On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 08:02:36PM -0800, Jon Pennington wrote:
--- Kees Bergwerf <lists@tcob1.net> wrote:
You see, a lot of question marks. Can somebody explain what these programs are used for?
As any user, try `man foo' where foo is the name of most of the processes you listed, most of which are KDE services or applications. KDE starts a lot of things that you can't kill if you want to run KDE. I triple-dog-dare you to `kill -9 init' as root sometime, if you really want to find out what it does...
It will do nothing at all. -) "kill" needs a numerical pid as an argument, maybe you are thinking of "killall"...however... -) The process "init", process number 1, is constructed by hand when it is run by the kernel and, unique amongst all processes, it is immune to signal 9. To prove this I just did it, and look, still here :) -- Regards Cliff