Robert Lewis wrote:
Carlos E. R. wrote:
The Saturday 2006-10-28 at 20:15 -0700, Robert Lewis wrote:
I didn't have any problems with 10.1 with my nvidia card until later on with one of the updates. I think it was the X-server update that has caused the instability. If you had a spare harddrive you could go back to the 10.1 released kernel and software. Don't do updates and see if your problem goes away. Probably an impractical exercise but it sure would be revealing. Actually, I was planing to install the remastered 10.1 in another partition in order to try the update to 10.2 beta, when I feel like it. But I doubt that the remastered version of 10.1 is sufficiently old for the nvdia test you mean.
I was thinking that only the zen stuff got remastered and not all the RPMS that surfaced since the inception of 10.1. One way to appraise your chances would be to mount the remastered iSO image and look for the rpms on it specifically for xorg-x11-server- which is the one that I think brought on the issuse. I could easily be wrong as it is a guess. Mount both the original and the latest and compare the xorg-x11-server version rpms.
Have a look at this thread in the archives where what exactly was being remastered and where was discussed ~24 October- [SLE] Request: rebuild of Suse 10.1 ISO after revision of online update Cheers. -- I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing.