Salman Khilji wrote:
I first started out with kwrite and kate because they were easier. But then I realized that in a hetrogeneous environment better get used to an editor that is available for both Windows and Linux so that I have my favorite editor available no matter where I go. I decided to learn XEmacs. Yes a bitch to learn in the beginning, but within a few weeks I hate every other editor in teh world!!
Maybe I should try Nedit again. I used that a long time ago.
6. Let's see if OpenOffice as installed and polished by Suse is able to impress this business user: The default font in OpenOffice is Times.
Yes, I agree. I installed OO on my computer and uninstalled it within half-an-hour. Too disappointing. I would wait for a few more years (if Linux survives a few more years of course) to come back to Office suites on Linux. For me, MS Office still is the best choice. (Although I don't do much Word Processing at all).
After considerable tweaking of the fonts in Linux, I am able to get OpenOffice to look very good. I guess I was complaining that it shouldn't be necessary. But I should know better because I know that the font problem in Linux is a very complex one, but it is making progress over time. My concerns are about business users though, who aren't interested in having understanding and tolerance for the crudeness of the OS. They know that fonts and function in Office are what they expect, and if they see Linux desktops that are all ugly and coarse, they will think "that is crap" and not have any interest in understanding that it can be fixed. They just want it to work, now.
7. Several times now while typing in OpenOffice, I have had some sort of menu from KDE pop up on top of my typing. The pop-up menu related to inserting or opening URLs ?local file URL, actions for file...; send
From the Klipper icon in the task bar, I decided to disable actions. Yes what you are describing is VERY annoying and should be turned off be default. We make so much fun of Microsoft, but believe me, this Klipper feature of popping up in the middle of your work is at least 3 times more annoying than the famour annoying Mr Klippy in MS Office (which BTW is turned off by default in Office XP).
Well I sure will be turning off the klipper. Thank you for your comments. -- _____________________ Christopher R. Carlen Suse 7.3 Linux 2.4.10