I assume that I should create the same directory setup as on my updated system (/var/lib/YaST2/you/mnt/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586 and /var/lib/YaST2/you/mnt/i386/update/9.2/deltas) and put the exact same file names as I got when I downloaded the updates with YOU. I then start YOU and select "user defined location". I also assume that it does not matter whether "Manually Select Patches" or "Reload All Patches from Server" is selected. Correct? Thanks, John Darryl Gregorash wrote:
John Graddy wrote:
I need some advice so I can avoid totally screwing up a system.
I have two systems, both running SuSE 9.2. I have completely updated one system using YOU and kept the update sources. Since I have only modem communications, I would like to update the second system without downloading the sources again.
Can I simply save the sources on a CD and then use that to update my second system. From the documentation, I assume that I can execute YOU and then change the update source to the CD created on my updated system. Is this correct? If so, do I simply use "user defined location" as the installation source and then use the CD address for the "location"? If I am correct to this point, do I use "Manually Select Patches" or "Reload All Patches From Server"?
You need the same directory/file structure as on the ftp site. Take a look at ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.2 which gives you the proper structure you'd need for a 9.2 update.