FDISK (in SuSE 6.3) seems to have a problem with larger hard drives, while CFDISK doesn't. Is there an undated version of FDISK available? CFDISK is really nice but a lot of people use FDISK since that what DOS/WINDOWS always uses and are not aware of CFDISK. (I came across CFDISK by accident.) I don't think the printed manual even mentions CFDISK. Christopher Reimer On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Chris Reeves wrote:
Lawrence Sayre wrote:
Will SuSE 7.0 permit instalation beyond the 1024 hard drive barier?
What 1024 barrier would that be? SuSE (and all Linux distros) have been able to use all of the hard drive for years. The 1024 cylinder limitation was introduced because of limited address space in the BIOS, and since Linux doesn't make use of the BIOS apart from at boot up, there is no limitation to what parts of the drive Linux can access.
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