On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 02:37:12AM -0500, Steven T. Hatton took 18 lines to write:
I'm curious to know what people think about hardcopy documentation verses electronic form. For most purposes, such as simply looking things up, I prefer electronic form. For books which are intended to be read from start to finish, or at least large section are intended to be read as a whole, I prefer hardcopy.
I find that e-books tend to collect e-dust when I have only an electronic version. Anybody else have a similar experience?
When I want to read something, I prefer hard copy. I rarely read without a pen in my hand, and it makes a mess of my display device if I scribble on it. If I'm only scanning or need to find a specific information quantum, I prefer soft copy. Kurt -- Hacker's Law: The belief that enhanced understanding will necessarily stir a nation to action is one of mankind's oldest illusions.