John Graddy wrote:
I assume that I should create the same directory setup as on my updated system (/var/lib/YaST2/you/mnt/i386/update/9.2/rpm/i586 and /var/lib/YaST2/you/mnt/i386/update/9.2/deltas) and put the exact same file names as I got when I downloaded the updates with YOU. I then start YOU and select "user defined location". I also assume that it does not matter whether "Manually Select Patches" or "Reload All Patches from Server" is selected. Correct?
No, you should create the exact same directory setup as on the ftp server. Yast will create the /var/lib/YaST2 structure, and I have no idea what will happen if you use the same sub-tree for both source and destination. Copy (recursively) /var/lib/YaST2/.../i386/update/9.2 to a convenient -different- location in the tree. The patch files are essential, without those you are going nowhere. I have no idea what YOU will do when it encounters a patch file with no corresponding rpm, and you will definitely have many.